Fundraising - Frequently Asked Questions

Getting Started

Startups and Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) tend to come up with the latest and most exciting products and services based on our society’s evolving needs. On the WADIAA Platform, you get to buy a share of some of the most promising startups and SMEs. By owning a share of the company, in time, if and when the company becomes a success, your share in the business will be worth a whole lot more.

On WADIAA, anyone can invest in private businesses that offer shares of stock, debt and revenue share securities.
You as an Entrepreneur, are no longer constrained to sources of capital such as private equity or venture capital firms, to fund your business. Founders can find like-minded Investors and visionaries who share your passion and are willing to take a chance on you and your business.

Any legitimate, registered business (both local and international) that has a clear business plan, not dealing in restricted activities as per Oman’s laws and whose securities are not traded in any securities market may raise funds on WADIAA.

If your business was formed and registered less than 12 months ago, you are restricted by regulation to fundraise up to USD 260,000. You can raise more than USD 260,000, if your business was registered more than 12 months ago.

The cost of launching a Crowdfunding Campaign on WADIAA varies based on the nature and size of your business. In general, it costs between USD 2,600 and USD 10,000 for the financial review and due-diligence required to launch a fundraising campaign.
If you are looking to raise more than USD 260,000, you will need a full financial audit, which you as the fundraiser will have to bear in addition.
We offer promotional offers for some businesses from time to time. Please contact us to see if your business qualifies for our promotional offers.


All relevant financial information can be found on the campaign page or relevant documents attached in the data room. Please reach out to the Investor help desk, if you have any further questions on a particular campaign.

The Founders decide which securities you wish to offer to investors as well as the terms of the offering. Wadiaa’ s compliance team will then review your proposed offering terms, as well as all the supporting documentation, before the same is finalized and published.

Wadiaa helps Founders with the Fundraising process as follows:
1) We provide a Fundraising Specialist to work with you to plan and manage the fundraise as well as create a marketing strategy.
2) We help develop a fundraising plan based on your business needs and provide pointers on how to go about the fundraising.
3) We review the campaign content for suitability for Wadiaa’s investors.
4) We make the offering available to Wadiaa’s investors across the world.
5) We send promotional offers to all our registered users.
6) We help you find lead investors if required.
7) We provide a communication platform to clarify potential investor questions
8) You should be able to raise a majority of your funding from among Wadiaa’s investor community.
9) We do a preliminary Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Business (KYB) for your Individual and Institutional investors repsectively.
10) We provide a payment gateway for receiving investments.
11) We facilitate the investment process; and
12) We also help in the set up of a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) for your investors.

For Fundraising, you will need to disclose key information about your company and the offering. Key information would include the following:
a) Background on the founders
b) Company’s business model
c) Price of shares (Valuation)
d) Target (Goal) amount as well as Minimum amount (if any) to be raised
e) Use of funds (Fundraising proceeds)
f) Audited financial information about the company
g) Investment Terms and Conditions
h) Risks associated with the investment opportunity.
These information will need to be made available to the public for reference. 

On Wadiaa, we recommend campaigns of 2 to 3 months duration. We find that shorter campaigns than 2 months tends to not be enough time to gain widespread awareness and enquiry. Longer campaigns than 3 months also tend to not imply a sense of urgency. However, for large raise amounts, longer campaigns can be useful with the use of rolling close.